2022-2023 School board goals

  1. Continue to Improve school climate and staff morale

                                 action plan –
                                               i.     Focus on areas that prioritize student achievement such as staff development in a positive school climate for all students.
                                              ii.     Focus on areas that prioritize staff mental well-being such as continuing to build healthy relationships between students, staff, families, and community including more parent involvement in school activities.
                                             iii.     Maintain strong communication between staff, administration, school board and community to foster a positive climate. Create, implement, and evaluate a district wide communication plan.
                                             iv.     Maintain a strong professional development program to foster a well-trained and confident staff.
                                              v.     Encourage all staff to join at least one committee in order to foster staff ownership on all district programs.

  1. Student academic growth and achievement

action plan –
                                               i.     Focus on individual student aptitude and goals to support all students building a plan to attain the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to meet the goals they set for post-secondary success.
                                              ii.     Continue to improve mentoring and instructional coaching for staff professional growth.
                                             iii.     Focus on letter measures of numeracy and literacy such as AFast testing and LETRS inventory.
                                             iv.     Improve communication with families, particularly families who have felt unwelcome by schools so that to increase support to help foster trust and a sense of Jaguar community.
                                              v.     Regular dialogue between administration and school board on areas of academic improvement.
                                             vi.     Communication between grade levels on standards and practices to improve learning.
                                            vii.     Continue to focus on individual student growth and de-emphasize high stress areas such as MCA test scores.
                                           viii.     Encourage individual student academic success through recognition of student successes.

  1. Fiscal responsibility
  • action plan to include –
  1. Emerge from pandemic in a positive financial situation.
                                                  ii.     Manage federal funds to maintain district financial health. 
                                                 iii.     Regular communication between the school board, staff, and community on fiscal position and priorities.
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