Director of Technology
Michael McKee
All students in grades K-5 are issued an iPad for educational use as part of a 1:1 iPad program. Students in grades 6-12 are issued Chromebooks. The program uses digital curriculum materials, student collaboration tools, and individualized instruction in all subject areas with the goal of enhancing student learning. Information for students and parents involved in the program may be found below.
Our schools have robust wireless networks to support the 1:1 device program.
The changing landscape of the world’s information to digital form will require today’s student to have a different set of skills than what was required just a decade ago. Graduates must be equipped with not just the three R’s, but also with 21st century skills of problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and technological literacy. Students need to be able to quickly find, synthesize and communicate information and collaborate with colleagues–not just in their own office, but within a global community of colleagues and customers.
Hinckley-Finlayson Schools want to ensure students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly navigate this emerging modern world. Therefore, we have implemented a 1:1 (student to computing device) program using the iPad and Chromebook to create a seamless and dynamic educational experience for students.
The goals of the 1:1 program are:
- Enhance and accelerate learning
- Leverage technology for individualizing instruction
- Promote collaboration, increasing student engagement
- Strengthen the 21st century skills necessary for future student success.
The technology also increases access to digital curriculum, in place of traditional print textbooks and classroom equipment such as graphing calculators. The opportunity to use 1:1 devices gives students access to anywhere, anytime learning – in classrooms, in schoolyards, at a cyber cafe and at home.
What if my device breaks?
Hinckley-Finlayson Schools uses some of the most robust cases on the market to provide protection against damages.
However, even with all these measures….accidents happen!
Don’t panic. The tech department is here to assist.
Please bring the device to the High School Media Center or HES computer lab or your teacher at FES. If possible we will backup the device and if we can repair it in our office we will. However, some repairs will need to be sent away. At that time the student will be issued a “loaner’ to use.
So who pays for the damages?
The iPads, Chromebooks, and laptops are the property of the school district and on loan to the student for use. Damage to the device while in the students possession is the responsibility of the student. The cost of repairs are outlined in the Mobile Device User Agreement.